Wednesday 4 June 2014

Nature tourism

Waking up with the sunrise after having spent the night in a sheperd's hut on top of a mountain, what could be more beautiful than that?
As we were not much of fire masters we lost the fire in the ovens during the night and it was rather cold and refreshing to wake up in the morning, but seeing cows in front of your front door makes you forget all that. 
After getting ready and having breakfast we headed back down from the mounain in the direction of Durmitor national park, which is the oldest park(and according to some locals also the most beautiful) in the country. The drive there was quite long but luckily we had calculated enough time to reach our goal. 
First of all we had a meeting with the visitors centre at the national park who held a presentation about the park and also answered all our questions. 

In order to make sure everything they said about the park is also true, we went for a hike aroud the black lake, which was situated in the Durmitor national park. We chose a trail to hike around the lake and had lunch on the way. We found out that the trail could be marked a little bit better as we got lost in the woods for a few times but in the end managed to get back safely. 
Later in the afternoon we made ourselves on our way to Camp Grab where we had booked our next accommodation. The drive there was longer than we expected but scenic at the same time. The nature in the whole country is fascinating. The road was narrow and deserted. It led us over the mountains to the border of Serbia, where Camp Grab lies. Sometimes we had cows on the road and sometimes snow on the sides of the road. We expreienced sun, rain, snow, hot and cold tempratures in a very short period of time in Montenegro. 

To get to Camp Grab we actually had to cross the border to Serbia but got back to Montenegro shortly after. The camp was amazingly beautiful as the rest of the country. It lies on the riverbanks of Tara. After some refreshing showers we had a nice dinner there and with that we would call it a day and went to sleep in our hut.

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