Thursday 10 April 2014

Getting started

The beginning is always a huge mess with a lot of information to work through in order to find the pieces useful for your project.
To get started we were supposed to find out a research question in order to set a specific goal for the study week. We also engaged our supervisor, Mr. Bergamin,  in the process  in order to not go terribly wrong in the beginning and perhaps get some useful tips of what to bear in mind when going on with the work.
Before that each team member contributed in the form of a possible research question from which we started choosing the most suitable and interesting one. A part of the results is visible on the right. After some discussion with Mr. Burk we combined our main research question based on the ideas we had gathered beforehand.

''Which role does niche tourism play in the development of tourism in Montenegro''
After defining the research question, the real work was to be carried on and that was finding possible business partners who would be willing to cooperate with us during the week.
For that purpose we started out with gathering all sorts of information that could fit under a general topic of niche tourism. All team member were responsible for finding business partners which is quite a challenge as we are not only staying in one specific part of the country but rather keep moving around to see as much as possible what the country has to offer.
In addition we all agreed that we want to see the famous tourist attraction in Montenegro which is the Tara Canyon.

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